HF Phone: Saturday 1300 Eastern 14,333 KHz USB 14,322 KHz USB (Alternate) Sunday 1300 Eastern 7,233 KHz LSB 7,218 KHz LSB (Alternate) 3,855 KHz LSB (Alternate) 1400 Eastern 14,333 KHz USB 14,322 KHz USB (Alternate)
HF Packet: Weekends 14,105 KHz "Network 105" Kantronics KAM+ SSID WA3KEY - Keyboard WA3KEY-1 - Mailbox WA3KEY-2 - Gate -> EPALAN 145.070 MHz WA3KEY-7 - Node
VHF Packet: Evenings & 145.070 MHz "EPALAN" Kantronics KAM+ Weekends SSID WA3KEY - Keyboard WA3KEY-1 - Mailbox WA3KEY-2 - Gate -> "Network 105" WA3KEY-7 - Node -> VHF Packet Address: wa3key@n3dpu
When not trying to keep from falling off a tower, into the Hudson River, or getting electrocuted, I am otherwise occupied as president of National Scientific Co., Inc. , a small company that manufactures quartzware for science and industry. By trade I am a journeyman scientific glassblower. Some of my other interests include broadcast journalism, astronomy and US Navy history.
I hope you enjoyed your visit. Please feel free to offer any comments or suggestions. For the curious ... all of the documents published at this Web site have been "hand coded" with nothing more than a no-frills DOS based ASCII text editor (Norton) and an appreciation of hypertxt. The internet is truly an incredible creation and the media of the future.
Copyright © 1996-2012-WA3KEY
This Home Page was created by wa3key, Saturday, March 16, 1996
Most recent revision Friday, January 13, 2012