KWM-1 Accessories



The 516E-1 Power Supply operates from 12 vdc. A cable connects directly to the mounting tray from a terminal strip on the front. The Transceiver power is automatically connected as it plugs into the mounting tray. The 516E utilizes six power transistors as switching elements at 600 cps, eliminating vibrators and rotating machinery.

A similar supply is available for 28-volt operation.


The 516F-1 AC Power Supply operates from 115 vac, 50-60 cps, and provides all necessary voltages for operation of the KWM-l. Both supplies are designed with dynamic regulation for maximum SSB power efficiency.


The 312B-2 Speaker Console has a 5" x 7" speaker, built-in 189A-1 phone patch and 302C-1 directional RF wattmeter, all mounted in a matching cabinet for fixed station use.

The 312B-1 Speaker includes a 5" x 7" speaker sub-mounted in matching cabinet like the 312B-2. Space behind panel provides for installation of controls, switches, etc.


This bracket will greatly facilitate mounting the KWM-l under an automobile dashboard, providing snap-in and snap-out installation and removal of the transceiver. The bracket arms fold out of the way after removal of the KWM-1. A number of different bracket adapters are available - ask your distributor for information on your automobile.


These fill requirements for other than the 10 basic 100 kc bands supplied with the KWM-1. These units plug into the front panel, and can contain up to 10 CR-18 HF oscillator crystals and a rotary tap switch for crystal selection.


This unit replaces the crystal box and automatically changes transceiver operation to separate transmitter and receiver functions. This enables tuning of the receiver outside the band for DX and provides a choice of several crystal-controlled transmitter frequencies in the band. The adapter allows duplex operation in any one band in the 14-30 mc range.

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Copyright © 1996-WA3KEY & 1957-Collins Radio Company
This Home Page was created by wa3key, Thursday, February 22, 1996
Most recent revision Thursday, February 22, 1996