Aircraft Carrier USS Intrepid


[USS Intrepid]

Photo by School of Photographic Arts & Sciences at
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York - 1999 RIT Big Shot

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Note to visitors:
    As of 04/30/15 this site is no longer affiliated with the USS Intrepid Former Crewmembers Association, Inc.

Official USS Intrepid Former Crew Members Association, Inc. Website

USS Intrepid Remembered
Former USS Intrepid Crew Member Blog

CV/CVA/CVS-11 Crewmember E-mail Directory

Complete this form to be included in the Intrepid Crewmember E-mail Directory:
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  "The Men of the Intrepid Come Home"  

    70th Anniversary Documentary Video   WPIX-TV11 News Closeup... 24min 54sec
            200mb file may take a few minutes to load... please be patient
                      (Mac Safari users - click "refresh" if page doesn't load)

Intrepid Returns to New York Photo Album by FCM Gene Whitten
          Click "Start Slideshow" to view album.

Former Crewmembers Guestbook Locate Shipmates and Share Stories

Live Webcams - On mast of the USS Intrepid & 12th Avenue
In Memory of Zachary Fisher   (September 26, 1910 - June 4, 1999)
Aerial Photo of Intrepid Museum in NYC
Aerial Photo of CVS-11 at Sea
Twilight photo of NYC skyline from flight deck Photo by Bill Acito - W1PA
Timeline History of CV/CVA/CVS-11   (1943-1982)
CV-11 Detailed History   (1943-1946)
USS Intrepid Data Page
          Battle Stars & Awards
          Air Groups & Squadrons
          Intrepid's Aircraft
          Commanding Officers
          Men who gave their lives
Visit the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum

Shop at the Intrepid Museum Store
          FCM's receive a 10% discount
NavSource USS Intrepid Photo Archive
Valions Veterans Association VT-4, VA-2A, VA-15 & VFA-15
Visit the USS GROWLER homepage
Visit the WA3KEY Navy/Submarine homepage

USS Intrepid Former Crewmembers

Visitor number    since 10/24/97

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Most recent revision Thursday, June 18, 2015

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